

Laptop Display
Low power consumption, resistant to external electromagnetic noise.

The notebook display driver chip of Chipone has the performance of low power consumption, high uniformity and resistance to external electromagnetic noise, and the power management chip has the performance of high efficiency and fast load response.

Driven by Chipone Chip

Precise Timing Control

The level shifter can support GOA timing of various notebook panels such as A-Si/IGZO/LTPS,Widely used in 11.6 to 17.3 inches mainstream notebook display.

High efficiency, fast load response

Chipone's notebook display driver IC has low power consumption, high uniformity and resistance to external electromagnetic noise And other performance, the power management IC has high efficiency, fast load response and other performance.

Large screen ratio, broaden horizons.

Highly integrated IC effectively saves space, greatly increase the screen ratio, and broaden the field of vision. It supports ultra-high resolution, ultra-high refresh rate, quickly improves screen response time, and ultra-wide color gamut brings full and vivid color experience.

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